User Rights

You can download, use and modify Organnery for your personal or professional use without restrictions. Although you are not allowed to sell this image either on physical medium or as a download without prior authorization.

As download links expire after 24h, it is preffered to link to this page if you want to share the download, so you are sure to always have access to the latest release.

Organnery embeds Aeolus software under GPL3 licence. You can access our modified source code, wiki with detailed information for use and development, and incident tickets by visiting our public git.

The default organ named "Kerry201118" what entirely created and voiced by Beaumont Kerry (UK), all rights are reserved, you are not allowed to share or sell it outside of Organnery distribution without prior authorization.

Organnery v0.7.5 is offered for free so you can easily try Aeolus without knowledge in Linux. Everything is set up so you can use it on the first run, enventuallu following video instructions. We will not be able to offer support, but will try to respond to message you would send us.

If you need custom modification or configuration that you cannot do yourself, Audiotronic company or Organnery certified technicians can offer commercial services for this. Feel free to contact us whenever needed.


Current image version 0.7.5 is ONLY compatible with model Raspberry Pi 3B ou 3B+, it will NOT boot on other models such as RaspberryPi4 !! Future version may be compatible, subscribe to the newsletter if you want to be notified

As a default, the ditribution is configured to use internal audio output of Raspberry board. Please understand this audio output has limited capacities and sound may chop/stutter if you are using heavy combinations with a lot of stops. If you need to have more stops, we advise you to use a Pisound board (you'll need to reconfigure Organnery as explained in this video )

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Download links are valid for 24 hours.

If your link expired, you can ask for a new one.

If your download speed is slow, you may need to restart the download several times to get the complete file (724Mb).


If you find Organnery useful we would apreciate a donation to help us continue development. We thank you in advance.